Membership Form: Magee Music Society 2022-23

To stay informed of Music Society and Magee Music Department events and activities, please complete the following form with your contact information.  Information provided will not be shared and will only be used for Magee Music Society &  Magee Music Department contact. 

We are able to accept e-transfers! 

Membership and Donations are used to enhance your child's music experience at the school with workshops, clinicians and scholarships, just to name a few.  If you would like a Magee Music Society 2022/23 family membership (Family is defined as parents and their children) - check the box at the bottom of this form and send a $20 payment by e-transfer to: and include a message indicating "membership 2022-23" along with your child's name so we can match the payment up with your contact information. Use the password "Lions" if requested.  
If you are unable to send an e-transfer, you can deliver a cheque for $20 payable to Magee Music Society to the school office or music teachers with a memo that it is for the MMS Membership and include a payment slip with your payment. 

For more information on the Magee Music Society, please email us at or visit our website:
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